Can Electric Vehicles Help the Electricity Grid?

In thinking about balancing the supply renewable energy with demand, we were reminded of an interesting idea we reported on 11 years ago.

The article was about the use of plug in hybrid cars as part of the grid. Engineer, Richard Hunwick, put forward the proposal.

It was a very good concept, but what’s happened since?

Here is an example of a company putting this concept into action. ActewAGL, Canberra’s local energy retailer, is heading up a consortium to connect electric vehicles to the grid.

“….the take up of electric vehicles delivers a range of benefits, including environmental benefits through reduced emissions, especially when the vehicles are powered by 100% renewable electricity, as is the case in the ACT.

In partnership with leading organisations across the electricity and transport supply chains, the ‘Realising Electric Vehicle-to-grid Services’ (REVS) project will test how electric vehicles can support the uptake of renewable generation, by balancing out the grid complexities arising from the intermittency of renewable generation, such as that from solar and wind.”

Read more about the project at:

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