Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) in Sydney


Building Better Buildings via Sustainable Design

Environmentally Sustainable Design (ESD) is the process of designing environmentally friendly and energy efficient buildings.  

The goal of ESD is to reduce energy consumption, usage of water, and waste production. It also aims to improve the quality of indoor air and occupant comfort. 

Ultimately, ESD’s purpose is making buildings better for the benefit of the environment and the stakeholders.  

The Benefits of ESD in Sydney

A green design approach helps you enjoy an array of environmental, economic, and social benefits, including:

Lower Energy Consumption 

ESD can help reduce energy usage in your building, cutting energy expenses and bringing down greenhouse gas emissions. 

Better Water Efficiency 

Sustainable design can improve water efficiency, resulting in water bill savings and water pollution reduction.

Less Waste Production 

ESD can slow down waste generation, bringing you savings in waste disposal and paring down the waste sent to landfills.

Better Quality of Indoor Air 

Applying ESD principles can reduce pollutants and allergens, improving the health and well-being of your building occupants.

Added Comfort

Natural light and ventilation can help enhance comfort in any building, boosting user satisfaction and productivity.

Designing Buildings Using Environmental Design Principles

Impact of the Site

Choosing the location, orientation, and landscaping should consider sustainability.

Energy Performance

Minimise depending
on energy that comes
from fossil fuel.

Conserving Water

Recycle water where
and use less water
when possible.

Optimising the Use of Materials

Where applicable, use sustainable materials and re-use materials productively.

Enhancing Indoor Environmental Quality

Maximise the use of daylight. Consider ventilation, moisture controls, and acoustic performance.

Optimise Your Operations

ESD means minimising your maintenance requirements and simplifying operational practices. 

Help With Sustainable Design for Your Sydney Building

Application Solutions can utilise ESD for your building design. Contact us today about how we can collaborate towards improving the environment.

Eco Certification Services

BCA Section J

For Sydney buildings, a Construction Certificate is required to demonstrate compliance with the Building Code of Australia’s Section J energy efficiency provisions.


Homes, additions, and multi-unit projects in Sydney need to have a BASIX Certificate before a Development Application is issued. A BASIX Certificate means the design meets certain energy and water use objectives.

J1V3 Assessment

The Verification Method J1V3 may be used to demonstrate a newly constructed building’s compliance with the energy efficiency standards outlined in the National Construction Code (NCC).


In Sydney, the National Australian Built Environment Rating System or NABERS is a means for building owners and tenants to benchmark their greenhouse performance.


The Building Energy Efficiency Certificate (BEEC) is made up of the NABERS and the Tenancy Lighting Assessment (TLA) certifications, both relevant to Sydney building projects.

Green Star

A Green Star rating is independent verification that a Sydney building or community project is sustainable. It displays leadership, innovation, environmental stewardship, and social responsibility.

Sydney buildings need environmentally sustainable design to help reduce impact on the environment, save water, save energy, and improve building occupants health and well-being. A green approach to building design can help to increase the value of a property and boost the building owner’s reputation. 

These elements of ESD are essential: 

  • The orientation of your building 
  • Benchmarks of building performance  
  • Managing water 
  • Building innovation and technology management 

Existing buildings that need upgrades or expansion can benefit from sustainable design. Talk to the Application Solutions ESD specialists today to learn more 

The Green Star rating tools can be used for Sydney projects. It is the Green Building Council of Australia’s (GBCA) certification method and involves Green Star – Communities, Green Star Buildings, Green Star – Design & As Built, Green Star – Interiors, and Green Star Performance. 

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