After a preliminary examination of the draft in the new code’s proposed changes to Section J, professionals from the commercial and multi-residential sustainable design and construction industries were alarmed. They based their views on Section J – NCC 2016 Volume One Public Draft (V2) and formed a working group to critically analyse the document.
Among the factors cited as concerning was the lack of vision for Australia which resulted in a loss of competitiveness in the world market place and the lessening of standards for buildings’ performance and loopholes. The group were concerned that as the new Building Code of Australia 2016 would be in effect for three years, there was an imperative to get things right from the start. They then collectively proposed changes to the draft and as a consequence of further input from various other groups (including the Australian Building Codes Board), it resulted in minor changes from the 2015 Code.
If you are interested to read more about the lead up to the latest update, please go to: