Application Solutions is all about looking for solutions; Solutions to difficult energy management problems. We try to adopt a common sense approach yet starting with first principles. It is a trend in the ESD field that the most effective solutions are integrated so that output from one component is input to another so that the whole system efficiency is improved and any negative impacts are minimized. An example of this is tri-generation. Tri-generation involves producing electricity on-site and utilizing the waste heat directly as heat or via an absorption chiller to provide cooling. The overall efficiency can be very high when applied to the right applications. In association with our alliance partners, Application Solutions is able to model the feasibility of the tri-generation option and take a project right through construction, commissioning to long term operation. All operational aspects can be done remotely and without worrying the building owner or tenant.
A successful example of a co-gen installation was the recent system installed at the Castle Hill RSL by Simons Green Energy.
Winter 2010