Section J

10 Years of Section J

Who would have believed it? Section J has now been around for 10 years. Section J was introduced on the 1st of May 2006, however it had a 6 month implementation delay so it technically came into force in November 2006. Even by January 2007 very few people seemed to know about it. We even

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Changes to the CBD Scheme

Where Section J affects new building stock, the Federal Government introduced the Commercial Building Disclosure Scheme (CBD Scheme) to activate market forces to prompt the improvement in energy efficiency in existing buildings. More background on the scheme can be found in an earlier post. Commercial Building Disclosure Scheme and later Commercial Building Disclosure CBD. The scheme

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Industry Working Group

After a preliminary examination of the draft in the new code’s proposed changes to Section J, professionals from the commercial and multi-residential sustainable design and construction industries were alarmed.  They based their views on Section J – NCC 2016 Volume One Public Draft (V2) and formed a working group to critically analyse the document. Among

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Section J – Alternative Solutions

Section J and Alternative Solutions Alternative Solutions (now called Performance Solutions) have become the preferred method to assess compliance for the more complex buildings. Preparing an Alternative Solution takes longer and costs more than the standard Deemed-to-Satisfy (DTS) assessment method. So, we don’t rush into recommending this approach. During the DTS assessment we get a

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Development of Online Section J training

Application Solutions and the Association of Accredited Certifiers Team up to develop Online Section J Training. The Association of Accredited Certifiers has introduced an online training option for the on-going professional development of its members. Application Solutions were delighted to be asked to contribute to the course content by developing two training modules on Section

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