Section J

Proving Compliance

Occasionally a certificate purporting that a design complies with Section J is submitted yet there is no evidence to show that it does. Application Solutions checked up on a certificate recently only to find the person concerned didn’t have a copy of Section J and didn’t know what it contained. That didn’t stop him claiming […]

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The Carbon Tax

Facing a New Reality The carbon debate has generated a lot of heat over the last few years. The two major political parties have polarised views and policies and it is very hard to know how to interpret the information thrown at us in the media. At Application Solutions, we take the view that it

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Sometimes the results of the glazing calculations seem counter intuitive. For example improving the thermal performance of the glazing (using lower U and SHGC values than required) should, you would think, improve compliance. This is not always the case. In some climate zones (eg Climate Zone 6) the calculator looks for some solar heat gain

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Artificial cooling of buildings in some climates can cause condensation to form inside the layers of the building envelope. Such condensation can cause significant structural or cosmetic damage to the envelope before it is detected. Associated mould growth may also create health risks to the occupants. Effective control of condensation is a complex issue. In

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The Origins of Section J

The effect of greenhouse gases on the climate and the consequential widespread effects on communities are now well recognised. Realising this must have an impact on the way we build. Read on to find our more about reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Australia

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